Now You See It, Now You Don't
The sloppy editing starts to get unnerving. Perhaps the reason for it is that the original cut went well past 3 hours, or perhaps some scenes needed editing to avoid an “R” rating, but nonetheless the result was a number of places in the movie which suffered from poor or mis-timed editing.
Here’s one:
The Joker crashes a party and clearly is on a homicidal track, bringing along a number of henchmen to help him out. He threatens Rachel Dawes and then Batman appears and everyone was kung-fu fightin’… So The Joker tosses Rachel out a window and Batman dives for her and, I suppose by the laws of Superman physics, manages to catch her and slow down their fall enough to keep them both from having their bones crushed when hitting a car. Never mind this physical magic (so magical that even Rachel wasn’t out of breath enough for her to make her singular semi-comical quip in the entire movie), but the next scene we see… Batman standing atop some building looking all… Batman-ish. Nice shot but, uh, what about the party? The one with The Joker, some goons, a bunch of guns, and a lot of innocent people whose lives were being threatened. I supposed Batman just figured The Joker would get bored and leave because we all know the party’s over once Batman leaves.
Here’s another:
The Joker is in the interrogation room, and someone who shall remain unnamed un-cuffed him, and he’s left with a cop standing guard on him. He’s taunting the guard, obviously to rile him up so he’ll start a fight with him and presumably overpower him to expedite his escape. The next thing we are shown in that police precinct is The Joker now has that cop overpowered with a sharp object (probably a piece of glass). So when can the doors in interrogation rooms be opened from the inside? Who’s genius idea was it to leave a homicidal maniac un-cuffed in a room with a single guard? Something was missing here and it was a gaping hole which felt that way.
Yet another:
Just before The Joker and some of his goons pour gasoline onto the huge pile of cash, we are shown the Chinese banker tied to a chair at the top of the pile. The camera pans a bit and we never see him again. It’s obvious he was set on fire atop the blaze, but it’s never shown or even visually asserted, other than the quick shot of him that is very easy to miss. Probably there were scenes of him on fire that were too intense for a PG-13 rating, but then why even have him visible in a glimpse in a shot like that? And why not have the Joker comment later about setting him on fire? It’s like the editing wasn’t fully thought through for that scene and then it’s quickly forgotten.
Filed under: Editing/Sound Tags: editing, scenes
There were also bad quick edits (singular cuts from one shot to another) within a single scene that confused.
Did Joker kill that gangster by slicing his cheek? Did he even slice his cheek? I could tell, they cut away and the next shot, you see the gangster fall to the ground. Would a cheek slice kill? Could you easily kill someone with a small knife by cutting somewhere around the mouth?
There were a couple of edits from one shot to another where the dialog overlaps, but the actor’s mouths are no longer moving.
Maybe the problems you outlined and the one’s I noticed (mentioned here and a few others) will be rectified in an extended cut DVD. I hope so.
Still loved the movie, though. Great fun!
Who said the door was opened from the inside? Don’t you think someone was watching from the mirror and opened the door fearing Joker was about to kill the cop?
And so the Joker, with no discernible fighting skill is able to overpower an enraged cop after getting bashed around by Batman? You’d think he would at least have a concussion or some kind of trauma that might have slowed him some.
Or that maybe when the other cops see the fight going the Joker’s way the open the door to help, not just wait until the guy is held hostage?
The joker got out of the interigation room when the bomb inside the fat guy exploded
“The joker got out of the interigation room when the bomb inside the fat guy exploded”
Um, no, that happened AFTER he got out of the interrogation room.
Wrong-o, Ben. He got out of the interrogation room with a utility knife from out of nowhere and apparently overpowered the police officer who was depicted like a meathead (who don’t give no shit whats right when his friends are disgraced). That was a scene too bizarre to feel justified for the very cool trick the Joker pulls on the officers and prisoners in the holding cell below. He got out of the HQ when he triggered the bomb, that’s what you’re thinking about.
It’s not too minor a fault. It was very sloppy of an otherwise excellent director.
1) Joker threatens Rachel…Batman shows up…owns his henchmen…Joker is like damn…this sucks…knowing that A) the Batman is there…and B) someone sure as hell called the cops by now…so he needs to escape, he takes Rachel, throws her out the window, to get the most immediate threat out of the way…so he can escape….I thought that was easily understood. I didn’t even think the film was perfect…very good, but like all films it had flaws.
2) True they could’ve explained that but its safe to assume someone would’ve let him out regardless…also…to the commenter…The joker is shown being able to fight.
3) I’m assuming that was cut to keep the PG-13 rating (a man screaming in pain while burning or shown burning will sure as hell warrant an R..same with Gamble having his throat slit) That IS poor editing but at least it was done for ratings.
Your complaints boil down to omissions and lack of clarity in the plot rather than actual errors or vital plot holes….
1. Joker was on a hunt for Dent and, while he has no regard for the lives of the party guests, as soon as he believed Dent wasn’t there he likely would have moved on to find him elsewhere (altho I agree it’s a stretch to believe his henchmen wouldn’t check in some closet closed off by a rod in the main party room).
2. The interrogation escape was definitely messy, especially considering the fact that he was relying on getting his “phone call” which required him to either (a). be given the call by the police or (b). hold them hostage, which in turn required Batman to bash his head against the glass thereby providing him with a weapon. I suppose Joker likely had someone on the outside who would have called the phone at a later time to detonate the bomb and allow for his escape, even if the Joker himself couldn’t have made the call. Messy, yes, but not a glaring fault.
3. You may be right about the chinese man on the pile of cash but seriously if that’s all you can come up with you may want to shut this site down right now…
“3. You may be right about the chinese man on the pile of cash but seriously if that’s all you can come up with you may want to shut this site down right now…”
There’s plenty more flaws to be noted here, the 10 or so things described on this site so far is just what was able to be typed up on a Sunday afternoon. Plenty more coming. And, hey, some of the complaints are going to be really minor (most movies have such issues) but some of the things really are a poor example of movie-making and certainly worth noting when so much of the world is touting this movie as a flawless masterpiece.
Did anyone else notice that batman went unopposed in most of his fight scenes. Except for the ones with the dogs (roll my eyes).
Also, didn’t Batman throw in the towel at some point in the middle of the film and burn up all of this stuff and close his batcave? But in the next scene he is ready to fight again? I guess that too was an editing snafu.
Actually, when the Joker emerges from the interrogation room, there are police officers in front and behind him. Not a stretch to think he made them open the door in the room for him once he had subdued the officer within.
This site really exists? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? Like, in all God-honest seriousness? You guys mean to tell me that this site ACTUALLY exists on the World Wide Web? Are you serious that someone took time to actually make this a working site? You’re SERIOUSLY not joking me? Are you honestly trying to make me believe that someone has this little of a life, clearly fanboy-ish? Wow, you’re all being pretty serious in the fact that some loser made this site.
That is seriously sad. I’m serious. I couldn’t be more serious in my entire life.
Okay. Bye guys! *skips away*
Why so delirious?
“Also, didn’t Batman throw in the towel at some point in the middle of the film and burn up all of this stuff and close his batcave? But in the next scene he is ready to fight again? I guess that too was an editing snafu.”
He burned his FILES in an incinerator, but he actually just locked the suit in the storage unit that he kept it in. All his equipment was still there – just all the paperwork connecting everyone who was involved was destroyed to protect them from being connected to Bruce Wayne (they even comment on it when Alfred and Bruce are talking on their way out of the basement).
As for getting out of the interrogation room – there’s a shot where it’s easy to see that the room is on the same floor with the holding cells when all the cops are watching Batman kick the Joker around. I doubt Joker would set off the bomb when he was on the same floor. Plus, with all the crooked cops in the MCU, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them waited until the Joker overpowered the officer inside then let him out so he could go up to the floor with the offices and ask for his phone call.
Man, most of the people who watched this film and praised it were comic book fans. Like myself. This is probably one of the best comic book movies I’ve seen in a long time aside from Iron Man. If you think the movie’s jumpy, you should read a comic book sometime. Also, most of the edits that I saw in this movie were clearly done in after it was done, to edit out most of the violence that would have made this movie rated R or pushed the envelope on over-Conservative morons.
You should see more movies, because frankly, there isn’t a movie that doesn’t have things like this.
And if your a fan of movies that are realistic, going to see a SUPERHERO movie may not of been the smartest choice.
Get a life, and some knowledge before you start talking about shit that you have no idea about.
dark knight unrated dvd release. are you listening directors? thats what we want to see.
I loved the movie but I had a few issues as well…I think the first movie is slightly better, with less pretentiousness
1) Lucious Fox quits his CEO position because Batman is “spying” on people to catch the joker,……but he’s totally OK with helping Batman design weapons of mass destruction, and tanks, etc. ?????
2) The ending with Batman running away in the dark ally doing the “dude, where’s my bat pod..” skit was kind of goofy. I understand he’s probably tired from fighting and tying up the 6 swat team members, 4 rottweilers jumping his ass, Joker beating him up with a metal rod, and then getting shot by 2 face….At least put his running in slow-motion or something, and try to glorify it….
Also,, Why was Batman’s mask crooked and messed up looking? Anyone else notice you can only see 1 of Bale’s eyes all the scenes, especially the interrogation scene? The back is too bulgy and it makes him look like a power ranger.. The nose on the mask looks ridiculously big too.. he almost does look like a flying rodent.
Geez louis! Have you ever gone to a movie JUST to make fun? Have you seen spiderman, ironman or any of the other crap that the big screen have given us lately? as all of you i am very skeptical when i watch movies, but I remind myself that IT IS JUST A FUCKING MOVIE!!! just enjoy the acting (which even without all the hype i believe Heath kicked) Personally i am lukewarm about Christopher Bale, he does not impress me, but over all when i go to the theater all i need is to escape for a few hours from reality, that is the whole point isn’t???????
I mean come on, if the movie sucks then why waste your time developing this website? you are TOO sunked in with all the hype…admit it sukaaaa!!
on the first line of my last comment i meant to say “have fun” not ” make fun” but i guess that is what you actually do to make yourself feel like a genius in your little world,,,
you do have a point though (not a really bright one but still a good point):
some problem have a huge problem when someone says something that they did not like the movie, or the movie itself, what do i think of them? the same thing i think about you….
(why so serious??)
Seriously, how the hell did the bat and rachel survive that fall? They seemed to be falling at almost full speed.
Your site is a great idea. There is a ton wrong with this movie and it is honestly a little bananas how people are saying it is a masterpiece.
I was wondering about the cheek slice that killed also.
Tried to figure out when rachael and harvey were kidnapped- I was thinking WTF.
I didnt even know that the banker dude was on the pile of cash. . . I was wondering what happened to him.
the movie was very dry in a good way
yea the batnose was pretty big in some ending scenes.
To address the burning man: I think that it may have been to avoid an R rating, however I also think that it was an example of masterful directing. In that scene, the Joker takes charge of Gotham’s criminals. He is in complete command of the city and the scene. To reinforce his command, the scene takes on his perspective, i.e. all the fire and gasoline in the background, and completely ignoring the Chinese banker. Joker simply forgets or ignores that he just set a man on fire. It was a casual thing for him, so there was no need for the director to dwell on it either.
it’s one thing to point out flaws in a movie, that’s whatever, but to say the movie sucks because of them? get real. this movie in no way sucked, and anyone smart enough knows it had flaws, as every film does. but it did not suck, and your petty arguments presented here just reinforced my idea that just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it ’sucked’
Why SO Serious? Did Chris Nolan, Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer molest you when you was a kid????
I bet tdksucks wanted to be Batman for Halloween REALLY badly as a young kid but his mom made him be a pumpkin saying no superhero costumes allowed.
Then Halloween rolls around and there is his younger brother dressed as Batman! Oh the emotional scars!
Wrong Realism, thanks for that laugh and for commenting so often on the site. I think by now you’ve written more here than I have so maybe it gets under your skin a lot. Can’t tell – all I know is there’s an obvious sense of humor about the site that is going over your head and maybe it takes some time to mature and appreciate it
finally… i though i was the only human who thought this was an over-hyped p.o.s. the best thing about this film is the supporting cast… the scene where the joker escapes is forced. i thought the movie was over and they were gonna save two face for part three but the went the spiderman 3 rout… wasting a perfect villian for what? the jokers nonplanning plan? and the people who bitch when you say it sucks are mindless drones… this isnt film nior, not by a long shot… ironman was ten times better with no major markerting nonsense… and i hated ironman growing up btw… oh and the japanese guy died??? and how did batman survive getting shot and falling but almost got killed fighting dogs? this movie is at best a 4 or a 5 out of ten…
why so serious? exactly…
Who says he almost go killed by dogs dumbass? He was distracted by them and they chewed through his suit but that doesn’t mean he was on his last breath. You’re really stretching for complaints aren’t you?
Now that tdksucks is realizing his error in making this stupid site he is going to pretend like it was a joke!
Classic intrawebs tactics at work here people.
And the guy is not Japanese, he’s Chinese, it’s clearly stated in the movie…is it just a typo or are you really that dumb, the wasted knight ? Also, ya think ya can do a better job than Nolan?
Every movie has its flaws. No movie that I’ve seen of is pure, perfectly executed cinema magic, though several films have come close by weaving intense dark, pondersome themes into exiting stories; Pan’s Labyrinth is one such example. Special, emotionally moving films are art, not without flaws, or without minor issues concerning editing and execution. Still, creators of such work should be commended, because they’ve “changed things.” They’ve made a differance.
I agree no movie is perfect, there isnt a movie someone can come up with that someone else couldnt find flaws in, but the fact that this person has this much time on there hands to start a site only for the simple fact that som many people loved this movie and he doesnt. Its pretty pathetic when you really think about it.
“Wrong Realism, thanks for that laugh and for commenting so often on the site. I think by now you’ve written more here than I have so maybe it gets under your skin a lot. Can’t tell – all I know is there’s an obvious sense of humor about the site that is going over your head and maybe it takes some time to mature and appreciate it
LOL gg…
I think it was a brilliant movie, editing and other minor flaws aside if you look too closely. I was so immersed in heath Ledger’s performance and the thrills that were delivered that all the trivial issues were easily overlooked. The hospital blowing to rubble, the Bazooka, the Batpod, the overpowering sound effects, Joker escaping from prison and sticking his head out of the GPD vehicle, it was all furiously paced and very well done. I believe Nolan’s Batman emerged as something completely different, very dark, Bale being his muse. personally, I wasn’t much a fan of the first movie since it lacked the action and the pace, but this one rips off the cinema screens at full blast.
Nothing wrong with this one I believe. Lived up to the hype and achieved far more in terms of a full blown cinematic experience. A reprise and a winner for the series. Please give heath ledger an award for the performance. It was truly very special.
Thank goodness for this site!
THE long DARK boring KNIGHT was so full of self importance it is truly ridiculous.
B O R I N G! ! ! !
Batman can whoop everyone’s ass but the skinny Joker can easily take him down.
Heath Ledger (r.i.p.) was very good, but Jack was far more entertaining and menacing.
Try explaining these anomalies:
1) At the ceremony to honour the recently murdered commissioner, the joker was disguised as one of the guards. His disfigured face was clearly visible for all to see, so why didn’t anyone notice it?
2) How could he also dress-up in a nurse’s outfit with his make up and not be seen? Did he apply it when he entered the hospital? Is it really that easy to do?
3) How could the joker also safely walk into the mob bosses meeting without anyone stopping him? Were they not concerned about what could happen to them if they did not have adequate security?
4) Bullets cannot penetrate batman’s suit, but the fangs of dogs can? What sophisticated technology is that?
5) Furthermore, why would they set up a movie where the police force is entirely inept at dealing with anything? We have the commissioner, the judge, and the mob men all being killed by the joker and his goons? To declare martial law, one has to request such an order from the president. All Nolan had the police do in this movie was drive their cars, chase batman, and be killed. What kind of police force is that?
6) The most preposterous part of the movie was the bank robbery. There is no way that integrated conspiracy could ever be accomplished with such secrecy. Why did the school buses not recognize that one of their own came out of a damn bank and joined their convoy?
7) Now, the man in the cell had a phone in his body. Did he not notice the scars, or was he too stupid to see it? Should he not have told the officers that someone implanted something into his body? Why would he merely say “I do not feel good” if he has a damn bomb in his abdomen?
At Bruce’s fundraiser why were there no police officers? Harvey Dent was known to be a target of the criminal organizations? So where the hell is the security?
9) I also need to know how the joker and his gang could place canisters of fuel with a detonator on a ship that was supposed to be guarded by none other than the National Guard. How could they even accomplish such a feat?
10) And how could the stupid mob bosses let the joker leave with his bombs? One need only shoot him when he was far away from the area. That would then have been his last laugh. He showed the bombs to these men and then was allowed to leave safely. Normally, I think that you would need a better plan than that. Either blow yourself up or stay there and fight them.
11) Why did they not give joker some of his trademark weapons: bombs with clown faces on them, gas that stuns you, or the flower on his coat? This joker was a psychotic killer, but he was not terrifying.
12) How on earth do they explain the supposed death of Gordon? Was he not shot by the joker? Did he not suffer some wound? None of this is revealed to us. Gordon just comes back without any explanation. That is interesting. I didn’t see the cops wearing bullet proof vests either, so how did he survive?
13) The entire plot is impossible, so only Hollywood could have made it up. There is no way that some fool in a clowns suit could do all of that without being seen or caught. One joker does not take over the entire city.
14) Why the hell didn’t the people on the boats think of jumping into the water? Perhaps where the joker is not looking and swimming to safety? I would have done that, or at least thought of some other plan. They did not even have experts on diffusing bombs on the vessel, and weren’t there just barrels of fuel there anyway?
15) Instead of punching the swat team, couldn’t batman have announced that the hostages are not the patients, but the crooks in disguise? What a jerk! He did not have to yell it either; all he had to say, on their frequency, was that they should not fire on them.
16) How could the joker shoot Gordon in the middle of the crowd and get away? What kind of security is that? No wonder so many people lost their faith in the police.
17) I thought that Bruce said he was going to rescue the girl. Why did he choose to rescue Dent? Did he not like the woman? Why did he not, at the very least, say to Gordon I will get Dent and you can get the woman? Instead he ran out of the interrogation room poised for battle. This batman is dumb!
18) What the hell happened to the lawyer who wanted to reveal batman’s identity?
19) How did two face survive when he shot the driver of the car for that mob goon, and yet passed out when he fell a few feet? The car flipped onto its roof.
I’m sure that there are more problems, but I cannot think of all of them right now. This movie had some awesome action sequences, but the acting was just terrible. The best actor was the man who played Commissioner Gordon; he really portrayed profound humanity and great intensity in the most serious scenes. Heath did a fantastic job portraying a psychotic killer, but it was not the joker. We should have been told why he became this villain in the first place. He places make up on and thinks that he is a great criminal. Why didn’t they have any information on him? He could not have come out of nowhere. At least the Jack Nicholson version clearly disclosed his motivations and his reasons for being what he became.
I think that the batman franchise has run its course. We need to stop making these movies; they were only really good in their animated versions. Now they look stupid. The Dark Knight tried to do too much with too little explaining. They created preposterous escapes and plans to kill people that do not reflect reality. They even frequently referred to this joker as a terrorist, not the prince of crime. I hope that they do not make another movie like this one. I hope that they choose a better batman; his voice really bothered me. They made him sound so stupid when he had to recite lengthy lines. I think that the batman series is over. Maybe he was never meant for the big screen.
I meant “defusing bombs”, not “diffusing”. Sorry about that!
Adam, before someone frothing at the mouth discounts your whole comment for just a few points out of it, I’ll address them myself. Really, all your points are great observations, and it’s just a few things that need to be corrected:
“17) I thought that Bruce said he was going to rescue the girl. Why did he choose to rescue Dent?”
This seems to be highly misunderstood by a lot of people. Joker simply lied to Batman so that he would end up going to the opposite location that he thought he was going to. I don’t understand why a lot of people seem to be consistently unsure about this, but it definitely doesn’t speak well for Nolan’s ability to make this clear in the direction of how that part of the story plays out.
“18) What the hell happened to the lawyer who wanted to reveal batman’s identity?”
Bruce Wayne saved his ass from getting run down (he got his Lamborghini smashed up to save him) and there was a very brief 2-second “nod” between him & Reese which in those 2 seconds is supposed to relay “OK Bruce, you saved my ass, I’ll keep my mouth shut now.”
Anyway, the rest of your points are exactly what this site is about & for, and helps a lot in confirming what all the issues are.
Where do I begin,
I am a batman fan to the fullest. The best depiction of batman outside of the comics will always be The New Adventures of Batman, which is the last season of the animated series. Now at the time of it’s release Batman (1989) was considered the end all be all of comic book movies. But one also has to remember that there were only four superman movies back the and the competition was very small. So now a days we have comic book movie after comic book movie, with the better coming from marvels side of the fence.
Batman begins was a great movie wth alot of fantasy elements. When i heard that Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, I was really disappointed. And the when I read interviews about eveything from Heath not liking comic book movies to this being a new type of Joker, I became less enthused. I went to the movie remembering that sometimes all the hype isn’t always good. Lets not forget Superman Returns, while cirtics called it the greatest superhero movie of all time fans felt robbed buy the super artsy film. With The Dark Knight I have to say that I feel it was one of the most terrible superhero movies of all time. First off Heath Ledgers Joker was terrible in every way. Everyone talks about batmans voice, which was equaly as bad, but know talks about the Jokers. He wasn’t scary, his plans had nothing to do with anything funny, which is how the joker plans oll of his capers in all other media. And then there’s the liking of the lips and the gudgey look, it just was wrong. Bruce Wayne was cool but batman was terrible. The suit looked stupid and bulky and his cawl was to tight if you want to see what Batman really looks like google Batman 608 comic cover. It is 2008 and if you look at other comic book movies like spiderman or the fantastic 4 or Superman Returns you will notice if an acter gets in shape he can look cool in his costume without looking stupid. And if you want to say it was his armor then look at the behind the scenes of any spiderman movie and you’ll se that those were not his musles but foam padding, now tell me wayne tech couldn’t come up with somthing like that. And that voice was getting on my nerves. Alfred always knew want to say every single time. Maggie Gyllenhaal was very bad as well and for those that said see was good, I don’t believe you like Katie Holmes or the Rachel character to begin with. The action sucked, Batman doen’t goes head first into a fight swinging, he’s sneaky and quit, something batman begins did so well. He has criticized superman on many occasions for not checking things out before dealing with the situation. When you take something that is fantasy and put to much reality in it you get law and order with weird people dressed up in costumes, if you want to see a billionaire fight crime in a cool suit of armor Go See Iron Man. Ifyou want to see Heath Ledger final finished film go see the dark knight, but please don’t say that he is thebest joker ever created because real fans like me know thats not true. By the way I saw te movie twice and i have turned the movie inside out, and there’s nothing good about any of it, sorry. And i will debate with any one that can prove me wrong. I have more points that I will bring up later on.
you are such a fag. this whole site is just nitpicking stuff that is really trivial. if you look at any film there is bound to be some stuff not done perfectly.
its not like you’re gonna ever make anything at all as good as this movie. go get ass raped
Oh like Heath Ledger in Brokeback. Thank for making my point about real fans, oh and by the way, i’m not gay, You can ask your mom when I pull my cock out of her mouth! Marvel Rules bitch!
That’s the limit, guys, I’m not going to be approving any more comments that are purely made to insult. If you can’t write out a clear message for either side of a debate without slinging crap or insulting people, then don’t add comments.
Real fan 1 I really like how you talk all sophisticated in your first comment, then next thing you know when someone yanks your chain you turn into some sort of ghetto keyboard brawler. That explains enough on what level of credibility any of your comments on this film have. You are wrong on so many levels its unreal. Just to start off, you play it out as if Superman Returns had some sort of beaming positive reaction from all critics. That movie had very mixed reviews, it was one of those accept it for what it was or hate it movies. “First off heath ledgers joker was terrible in every way” how would you say so? He had the anarchy, the insanity, the quirkiness, the sudden change from seemingly easy going to loony madman behavior, along with many more traits, which is exactly how the joker was supposed to be. Now, this movie is about the rise of the joker, which is why they used his first two comics as inspiration, along with the killing joke, and if you read those, he is very very much like those interpretations of the joker. Im sorry if he wasnt like the 100’s of different joker interpretations in the over 60 years hes been around all at once, but I think that is a bit more on the fantasy side then what you claim this film is. Then you accuse the batsuit of being bulky, yet you seem to have thought batman begins didnt have any of these terrible terrible flaws like the dark knight had. Well in case you werent aware of this, the new suit is way slimmer than the batman begins suit, due to modern elastic banding on the inside to bind it to Bale who also, lost some weight for this role for a more mobile performance. SO that pretty much blows your little “too bulky” claim out the window. Bale also still weighed in at about 205 pounds from muscle, standing at about 5′11″-6″ tall that is pretty good shape. I also love how you cite fantastic 4, a movie where they’re all wearing blue skin tight jumpsuits, as a good example of how a real live action film costume should look. But yet, kevlar plates, like used in real bullet proof vests are too stupid and unrealistic? And im sorry Bruce didnt request a foam under layer from Fox to make his pecs stick out better for your preference. “alfred always knew what to say every time” what kind of a complaint is that? Alfred is an elderly and pretty wise guy, hes been around and so he knows how certain situations are dealt with. THAT is unrealistic? Wow. By the way I’m all open for a debate, but the thing about you, along with most people on this site, is your just nitpicky. Dont claim to be a real batman fan, because your not. Im surprised you didnt bash Nicholsons joker for having a receding hairline, or being a little on the chubby side. Was the joker ever like that? What about in Iron Man when he is sitting on the couch and the guy is suddenly behind him and uses his strange gadget that paralyzes him, or in the new adventures of the 1990s animated series where Robin had an all-red suit. I definantly dont remember that in the comics, nor do I remember Harley Quinn, for that matter, but that is the definitive and absolute best form of Batman out there? Lol. Yeah man, your a fan. Give me any movie EVER made, and I will find a good amount of faults(by your standards of what a fault is) and make it sound terrible. Just because it didnt replicate real life exactly, doesnt make it a terrible movie.
I’m sorry for those stupid comment I made. I really try not to play into those type of games and saddly I did which in the end made me look childish. once again I am sorry and it will never happen again. And by the way, African Americans don’t loke to be called ghetto, ecspecialy when they have nothing to do with the ghetto, it’s kind of a insult. I don’t think they really knew that when they wrote it. But back to the movie, me and my 4 brothers were talking and I realized that we all have different opinions about the movie. One brother has seen the movie and he and his girlfriend liked it. Now they don’t see why it has got so much praise and the don’t think that it’s the best movie of the year at all. While my other brother loved it and thinks that it is the greatest movie in the world. Now the other two have not seen it but they still won’t to, but their part is this help me realize that everyone has there own opinion. They all hate Transformers and Indiana jones: ATKOTC, but I liked them both. They all love The lord of the rings movies, but i don’t. They like the second Fantastic Four movie but i liked the first. We all loved Ironman and The Incredible hulk but I no some people that hated them. It goes on and on, but the bottom line is that eithe you like the dark knight or you don’t. And for Those that don’t think that I’m am a true fan, me and My brothers grew up in the 80’s and we had every toy, comic and seen every cartoon and movie that had to do with fantasy. I am a comic book creater and an artist, and writer, i’ve created 234 characters and an whole universe and mythos the go with it. It will be called United Comics, which is part of my United Media Group that will be published with in the next year. I think the best comic book movie ever is Superman the Movie and Spiderman 2 and i’m not really a spiderman fan. I love Batman because he has no superpowers but he is still the most dangerous man in the dc universe. My favoite stories are The Dark Knight Returns and The Hush story arch and my favoite criminal of batman is the Joker. I do love the first badman movie and I loved Jack. did it have problams hell yes, (like batman talking lives by blowing up the Axis Chemical Plant and killing most of the jokers goons) and I liked Batman Begins, but it had it’s problams (the suit, not enough scarecrow, actually that’s the only problam I have). And they both have fantasy element in them. When you take something that is a thing of fantasy and try to bring it into the real world, you take away all the thing that make it great. Now do I respect others opinions obout the movie yes, but do I still think the movie is terrible yes. Will I ever change my mind, probably not. Would I go see another batman movie hell yes. So until They find out that they’ve been putting subliminal messages in the movie when ever the Joker comes on screen saying “Love This Movie” make mine marvel
I had the exact same question about the Joker interrogation scene. The door to the room is locked from the outside – how did he get it open? Why was he left alone with a single cop (and one that from a physical pov would have trouble restraining him in an emergency?)
Also, they’d held him long enough that you’d think they’d remove his makeup to at least get a better id on him; even if that meant strapping him down.
That said though, the movie was cool – especially in IMAX format.
Just saw the movie in theatres yesterday here in Sweden, and I agree that there were several omissions that were needed to make things more clear.
It ust seemed like they were so pressed for time anything that wasn’t essential got removed.
Just a shot showing the Joker leaving the party after Batman and Rachel falls to the ground would have been enough. The scene feels incomplete to me, though it isn’t necessarily a fault per se.
Like someone said, I do hope we see an Extended DVD, because I would have gladly been at the theatre for 20-25 minutes longer just for the editing to not be so “hyper” and for some scenes to play out properly.
Atleast I hope there was material cut that led to it being the way it is, so that could be reinstated and re-cut.
I love this site because it proves that this movie was great and belongs on top with the likes of other greats. Here’s why.
1)The fact that people want to “prove” the movie “sucked” to the “deluded” masses
2)You only see #1 for great movies, I’ve never seen a “Why The Hulk Sucks” website (Ang Lee’s)
3)Spoofs are being made, only good movies get spoofed because bad ones don’t have too.
The End Thank you so much for making this site to further the fact that this movie deserves all the Praise it has received and also for giving me more reason to justify my placement of this in my Top 5 movies.
Mike, you posted comments with 2 other names here using the same IP address. What do you think that proves? Does that back up your position or the position of this site? It seems only those people who “love” the movie use multiple names on sites. Why do you think that is?
Same computer two people different e-mails.
I kept waiting for Batman to flip open his utility belt and let fly some cool bat shaped grappling hook… waiting… waiting.. waiting… CRASH I was all the FU–! What kind of superhero CAN’T stop himself from falling.?
yes i definately agree with this site and to all those who spotted flaws especially to tdksucks.. thank u!
so many ppl seem to find this movie a masterpiece and best movie ever made. i just dont get it.. its totally overrated!!
here are some areas which i thought was silly.
- batman swerving himself away from the joker, and knocking himself out cold. that was pathethic.
- the police are useless and amateurish in so many parts. no wonder joker and his goons takeover the entire city so easily.
- the way the joker manages to escape from the interrogation room was stupid also.
- what so great about the fight scenes. anyway would hav been cool if batman had used some flying cutting weapons and more gadgets etc but he didnt
- harvey is seen talkin to gordon who appears out of nowhere. nothing revealed to us except that he was wearing a bulletproof vest. and the next scene harveydent is alredy caught by the joker. which was never showed how. seems like the shots were simply added here.
- batman just runs off without saying anything to anyone and chooses to rescue harvey and not rachel. and what if the joker had lied to him on the location.
- rachel perfectly unhurt from the fall off the building.. the car was smashed.
- bank robbery in beginning, guy drives bus thru wall knowing exactly where one of them is standing.
- twofaced flipping the coin before killing. even when it lands on the safe side.. he says “lets do it again”. so dumb. btw, he shld hav shot the joker in the hosp.
- ending part.. batman pushes him off the edge and thats it?
i know its a superhero movie and all. but there are many others more entertaining with better buildup of story and character. good example of a recent one would be ironman.
“batman just runs off without saying anything to anyone and chooses to rescue harvey and not rachel. and what if the joker had lied to him on the location.”
This is a constant confusion for people, probably because the execution (directing/editing) was flawed. Basically, The Joker lied to Batman, telling him the opposite addresses for Rachel & Harvey. Batman tells Gordon he’s going to Rachel’s address as he’s running out and Gordon says he’ll go save Dent. Neither realized The Joker lied and gave opposite addresses. Batman didn’t choose to save Dent, he thought he was going to the location Rachel was at.
As I commented on another post, it’s great that a homicidal maniac gives out information [location of Dent and Dawes] and nobody questions the fact that he just MIGHT be lying. Yeesh.
haha yea exactly..
I have a question? Do any of you think that Iron man and the Incredilbe Hulk were better, I do, But know one I know seem to agree.
“- twofaced flipping the coin before killing. even when it lands on the safe side.. he says “lets do it again”. so dumb.”
This didn’t happen. It landed on the burnt side for Batman and the shiny side for Dent.
Actually that did happen in the tunnel scene before batman stopped him. He was just doing that to freak the guy out to get info. The guy didnt know the coin had two sides. Later on though yes, it was burnt on one side.
Here is the scene I don’t understand… and no-one has mentioned it.
How does the joker get caught by batman and the police?
we all saw the joker’s truck getting flipped… and the joker getting out of the truck unhurt…
then we see batman race on his motorbike towards the joker, batman crashes, and the joker is on the floor and suddenly the joker is captured?
what just happened?
was that bad edditting?
Gordon, disguised as a SWAT officer, held the joker at gunpoint when he went to investigate Batman on the floor.
@ Adam
“Try explaining these anomalies:” Okay, I’ll give it a shot.
1) “At the ceremony to honour the recently murdered commissioner, the joker was disguised as one of the guards. His disfigured face was clearly visible for all to see, so why didn’t anyone notice it?” They hadn’t seen him without make-up before.
“At Bruce’s fundraiser why were there no police officers? Harvey Dent was known to be a target of the criminal organizations? So where the hell is the security?” Batman was the security.
2) “How could he also dress-up in a nurse’s outfit with his make up and not be seen? Did he apply it when he entered the hospital? Is it really that easy to do?” Panic to evacuate the hospital was on his side. Yes, it would be easy to do.
3) “How could the joker also safely walk into the mob bosses meeting without anyone stopping him? Were they not concerned about what could happen to them if they did not have adequate security?” They had security; it showed them with metal detectors. Maybe The Joker killed the security? Movies don’t have to show every single detail, btw.
4) “Bullets cannot penetrate batman’s suit, but the fangs of dogs can? What sophisticated technology is that?” The arm pieces are more vulnerable than the torso pieces (more movement necessary in certain areas of the suit).
5) “Furthermore, why would they set up a movie where the police force is entirely inept at dealing with anything? We have the commissioner, the judge, and the mob men all being killed by the joker and his goons? To declare martial law, one has to request such an order from the president. All Nolan had the police do in this movie was drive their cars, chase batman, and be killed. What kind of police force is that?” A corrupt one that was in cahoots with the mob and one that was being tricked by a brilliantly clever villain. The Joker fooled everyone, if you recall.
6) “The most preposterous part of the movie was the bank robbery. There is no way that integrated conspiracy could ever be accomplished with such secrecy. Why did the school buses not recognize that one of their own came out of a damn bank and joined their convoy?” Maybe they did notice and The Joker quickly escaped to avoid capture once it was called in by the other bus drivers. The bus convoy element could’ve been just a means to get him out of the bank and buy some time to get away from the scene. Remember, not every detail must be spelled out in a film; no film in history has ever covered every single possible detail.
7) “Now, the man in the cell had a phone in his body. Did he not notice the scars, or was he too stupid to see it? Should he not have told the officers that someone implanted something into his body? Why would he merely say “I do not feel good” if he has a damn bomb in his abdomen?” He was insane and/or on drugs. They mentioned that The Joker attracted mentally challenged people like the one Dent interrogated.
9) “I also need to know how the joker and his gang could place canisters of fuel with a detonator on a ship that was supposed to be guarded by none other than the National Guard. How could they even accomplish such a feat?” A diversion, possibly? He had control of the city at this point and all the criminals were involved in his plot. And, the police were in cahoots with the criminals as well.
10) “And how could the stupid mob bosses let the joker leave with his bombs? One need only shoot him when he was far away from the area. That would then have been his last laugh. He showed the bombs to these men and then was allowed to leave safely. Normally, I think that you would need a better plan than that. Either blow yourself up or stay there and fight them.” They had a metal detector at that meeting and didn’t let the mob guys in with weapons.
11) “Why did they not give joker some of his trademark weapons: bombs with clown faces on them, gas that stuns you, or the flower on his coat? This joker was a psychotic killer, but he was not terrifying.” Sorry you were disappointed.
12) “How on earth do they explain the supposed death of Gordon? Was he not shot by the joker? Did he not suffer some wound? None of this is revealed to us. Gordon just comes back without any explanation. That is interesting. I didn’t see the cops wearing bullet proof vests either, so how did he survive?” How could you know he wasn’t wearing a bullet proof vest? Besides, people survive being shot all the time.
13) “The entire plot is impossible, so only Hollywood could have made it up. There is no way that some fool in a clowns suit could do all of that without being seen or caught. One joker does not take over the entire city.” He had a lot of help.
14) “Why the hell didn’t the people on the boats think of jumping into the water? Perhaps where the joker is not looking and swimming to safety? I would have done that, or at least thought of some other plan. They did not even have experts on diffusing bombs on the vessel, and weren’t there just barrels of fuel there anyway?” The Joker said in his message that he would blow them up if anyone tried to escape.
15) “Instead of punching the swat team, couldn’t batman have announced that the hostages are not the patients, but the crooks in disguise? What a jerk! He did not have to yell it either; all he had to say, on their frequency, was that they should not fire on them.” It was dark in there. Can you prove that he had access to their frequency? How could he know that they would listen to him? Police are taught to shoot when a gun is pointed at them, the hostages couldn’t help but point their weapons.
16) “How could the joker shoot Gordon in the middle of the crowd and get away? What kind of security is that? No wonder so many people lost their faith in the police.” I can’t tell if this is a question or a statement. But everyone fled the scene in panic, which was clearly shown.
17) “I thought that Bruce said he was going to rescue the girl. Why did he choose to rescue Dent? Did he not like the woman? Why did he not, at the very least, say to Gordon I will get Dent and you can get the woman? Instead he ran out of the interrogation room poised for battle. This batman is dumb!” The Joker tricked him.
18) “What the hell happened to the lawyer who wanted to reveal batman’s identity?” He was saved by Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon.
19) “How did two face survive when he shot the driver of the car for that mob goon, and yet passed out when he fell a few feet? The car flipped onto its roof.” He put on his seatbelt.
wow… im making up complaints? you mindless jackasses are look for compliments and praise for a b movie at best… go watch your dark knight and have fun, but do not complain at people who didnt like that piece of crap, it’s real, its a comic book, heath ledger became a god (who rocked in lords of dog town) bale is the best thing since sliced bread, bat ipod cycle film… and for the record they wasted talented actors for a piece of crap
tdksucks, on July 25th, 2008 at 10:39 pm Said:
Adam, before someone frothing at the mouth discounts your whole comment for just a few points out of it, I’ll address them myself. Really, all your points are great observations, and it’s just a few things that need to be corrected:
“17) I thought that Bruce said he was going to rescue the girl. Why did he choose to rescue Dent?”
This seems to be highly misunderstood by a lot of people. Joker simply lied to Batman so that he would end up going to the opposite location that he thought he was going to. I don’t understand why a lot of people seem to be consistently unsure about this, but it definitely doesn’t speak well for Nolan’s ability to make this clear in the direction of how that part of the story plays out.
“18) What the hell happened to the lawyer who wanted to reveal batman’s identity?”
Bruce Wayne saved his ass from getting run down (he got his Lamborghini smashed up to save him) and there was a very brief 2-second “nod” between him & Reese which in those 2 seconds is supposed to relay “OK Bruce, you saved my ass, I’ll keep my mouth shut now.”
Anyway, the rest of your points are exactly what this site is about & for, and helps a lot in confirming what all the issues are.
ooops! sorry pls ignore the above.
good reply by whistle btw
You have offered some very good comments to my questions, but I think that they are not irrefutable. Now let me try and refute you.
1) “At the ceremony to honour the recently murdered commissioner, the joker was disguised as one of the guards. His disfigured face was clearly visible for all to see, so why didn’t anyone notice it?” They hadn’t seen him without make-up before.
2) I know that they were unaware of his true identity, but the scars on his face were visible. Someone in the department must have noticed such a peculiar officer. The marks, remember, made a broadened smile on his face. Previous to this event, the joker also produced a video of himself, so shouldn’t the police and batman have examined the video for facial features or details that could help them identify him?
2) “How could he also dress-up in a nurse’s outfit with his make up and not be seen? Did he apply it when he entered the hospital? Is it really that easy to do?” Panic to evacuate the hospital was on his side. Yes, it would be easy to do.
3) No, I do not think that it would be that easy. He could not have just entered the hospital even in the midst of panic because the police would have monitored who entered and who left. I cannot therefore conceive of how the joker could be in a nurse’s outfit in his make-up and no one would notice him entering into rooms or even entering into the building. Even if there was panic, an orderly evacuation of the patients and the security of hospital personnel would have been of their highest priority. The joker must have been present in the hospital before mandatory evacuations were called.
3) “How could the joker also safely walk into the mob bosses meeting without anyone stopping him? Were they not concerned about what could happen to them if they did not have adequate security?” They had security; it showed them with metal detectors. Maybe The Joker killed the security? Movies don’t have to show every single detail, btw.
4) I know that movies do not have to show every detail, but they must make their plots believable on some level. I cannot see how mob bosses who had their money stolen by this guy would not have stopped him from leaving so easily. I know that the police can be soft and inept, but do you really think that these men would ever do such a thing? He pulled out his bombs and taunted the goons, and then he was allowed to leave unharmed. This was no mob meeting; it was the congregation of scared children who could do nothing without the joker.
4) “Bullets cannot penetrate batman’s suit, but the fangs of dogs can? What sophisticated technology is that?” The arm pieces are more vulnerable than the torso pieces (more movement necessary in certain areas of the suit).
5) If there are vulnerabilities in his armor, then how could he have landed on the roof of a car with minor injuries? One cannot have it both ways. I seriously thought that this scene could have showed batman using his grappling hook to save both of them, not descending hundreds of feet onto a car. The force of that impact should have hurt him, so how did it not do so?
5) “Furthermore, why would they set up a movie where the police force is entirely inept at dealing with anything? We have the commissioner, the judge, and the mob men all being killed by the joker and his goons? To declare martial law, one has to request such an order from the president. All Nolan had the police do in this movie was drive their cars, chase batman, and be killed. What kind of police force is that?” A corrupt one that was in cahoots with the mob and one that was being tricked by a brilliantly clever villain. The Joker fooled everyone, if you recall.
6) I do not believe that the plot reflected reality. Hollywood is free, however, to make all these things possible, but the audience can only assess such movies from our experience of this world. At every moment when the joker rose to power, I was unconvinced that he gained it with wit or brilliance. It seemed that the city gave it to him willingly. Think of the greatness of a criminal who could find ways to overcome a robust police force (they were not all paid by the mob) and a smart, resourceful batman. Now that would be a criminal worthy of the name joker.
6) “The most preposterous part of the movie was the bank robbery. There is no way that integrated conspiracy could ever be accomplished with such secrecy. Why did the school buses not recognize that one of their own came out of a damn bank and joined their convoy?” Maybe they did notice and The Joker quickly escaped to avoid capture once it was called in by the other bus drivers. The bus convoy element could’ve been just a means to get him out of the bank and buy some time to get away from the scene. Remember, not every detail must be spelled out in a film; no film in history has ever covered every single possible detail.
This man did not look insane or on drugs; he was an ordinary criminal. All he had to do was lift his shirt or examine the scars for himself, and then he would have been removed to the hospital. Again, I realize that Hollywood can do whatever they want, but this is not in the least believable for the rest of us.
“At Bruce’s fundraiser why were there no police officers? Harvey Dent was known to be a target of the criminal organizations? So where the hell is the security?” Batman was the security.
7) But, if you recall, the police cars were on the scene in moments of the event. The joker’s bus was trapped in a long line of other buses; he was a sitting duck. Why didn’t they just make it so that he could escape in some car or other vehicle? Shouldn’t the civilians have noticed that a school bus came out of the bank as well? I am still not entirely sure why he wanted to kill all of his goons? Was it for the money? Such a plan requires planning and practice, so the joker could not have told them at the last minute to do this. He also could not have told them earlier to kill their comrades when they finished their job. I have a hard time believing that the bank robbery could ever have been pulled off with such precision.
7) “Now, the man in the cell had a phone in his body. Did he not notice the scars, or was he too stupid to see it? Should he not have told the officers that someone implanted something into his body? Why would he merely say “I do not feel good” if he has a damn bomb in his abdomen?” He was insane and/or on drugs. They mentioned that The Joker attracted mentally challenged people like the one Dent interrogated.
9) But there was absolutely no security. They could have surrounded the building. They could have used Dent as bait to get the joker, but they were not there at all. Remember, once the enemy enters a building he is trapped, so how on earth could these cops let him escape? Batman even had time to get off the roof of the car and find the joker. Why didn’t he?
9) “I also need to know how the joker and his gang could place canisters of fuel with a detonator on a ship that was supposed to be guarded by none other than the National Guard. How could they even accomplish such a feat?” A diversion, possibly? He had control of the city at this point and all the criminals were involved in his plot. And, the police were in cahoots with the criminals as well.
10) I do not believe that so many people who were once working for the mob would then transfer their allegiance to the joker. When you have the National Guard in your city, every conceivable precaution should be taken. The movie producers just made all of these people so incapable of following any procedure that the joker was freely given the city. That is not a great criminal mind; it is a Hollywood plot that stretches the imagination to the point of incredulity.
10) “And how could the stupid mob bosses let the joker leave with his bombs? One need only shoot him when he was far away from the area. That would then have been his last laugh. He showed the bombs to these men and then was allowed to leave safely. Normally, I think that you would need a better plan than that. Either blow yourself up or stay there and fight them.” They had a metal detector at that meeting and didn’t let the mob guys in with weapons.
11) They could have stood behind him and then waited to see what he would do next. You cannot do that to a group of people and then run away. They would think if they approached you that it would be too dangerous, but they would also know that you are not willing to blow yourself up as you move closer to the door, so why not get him then? Again, I think that the mob people were like high school kids, not professionals of any kind.
11) “Why did they not give joker some of his trademark weapons: bombs with clown faces on them, gas that stuns you, or the flower on his coat? This joker was a psychotic killer, but he was not terrifying.” Sorry you were disappointed.
12) I was disappointed because the joker is my favorite super villain of the batman series. They should have combined Jack Nicholson’s playful jokes with Heath’s psychotic killer and integrated more laughter, and then the joker we have come to know in the animated version would be brought to life in this movie. The joker laughs; it is his peculiar attribute and his laugh reveals his mood. We should have had more of this.
12) “How on earth do they explain the supposed death of Gordon? Was he not shot by the joker? Did he not suffer some wound? None of this is revealed to us. Gordon just comes back without any explanation. That is interesting. I didn’t see the cops wearing bullet proof vests either, so how did he survive?” How could you know he wasn’t wearing a bullet proof vest? Besides, people survive being shot all the time.
13) People may survive being shot some times, but some don’t. Gordon was shot at close range in the back. I still do not understand this plot. Why would they lure the joker and his goons into the passage between apartment buildings, where the police have positioned themselves to locate threats and survey the crowd and then have the joker shot Gordon and get away with it? This kind of protection is a joke. Gordon survived by means that were not revealed to us. I guess he was lucky.
13) “The entire plot is impossible, so only Hollywood could have made it up. There is no way that some fool in a clowns suit could do all of that without being seen or caught. One joker does not take over the entire city.” He had a lot of help.
14) He also had a lot of enemies. Remember, the mob did not offer their full cooperation with his plans. He had to function primarily on his own with other lunatics who overcame the military, the police, and batman to take the city. I think that the producers had to give the city to him quickly and freely. They had no other choice.
14) “Why the hell didn’t the people on the boats think of jumping into the water? Perhaps where the joker is not looking and swimming to safety? I would have done that, or at least thought of some other plan. They did not even have experts on diffusing bombs on the vessel, and weren’t there just barrels of fuel there anyway?” The Joker said in his message that he would blow them up if anyone tried to escape.
15) This point is a little weaker and your criticism is just, but still why would people not react differently? They merely began to vote. There was no discussion of how to escape or what scheme they could use to thwart the joker’s ends. If you and I were in that situation, I think we could come up with a better plan then merely sitting there waiting to die.
15) “Instead of punching the swat team, couldn’t batman have announced that the hostages are not the patients, but the crooks in disguise? What a jerk! He did not have to yell it either; all he had to say, on their frequency, was that they should not fire on them.” It was dark in there. Can you prove that he had access to their frequency? How could he know that they would listen to him? Police are taught to shoot when a gun is pointed at them, the hostages couldn’t help but point their weapons.
16) Batman had, before he entered the building, spoken to Gordon so why not help the police in this instance? I still think the guy was a jerk for doing this, and it cost him time and effort. He could have gone after the joker quicker had he decided to make life easier for the police. Police are also taught to think before they enter into a building where dangers abound. They do not go in shooting and killing at will.
16) “How could the joker shoot Gordon in the middle of the crowd and get away? What kind of security is that? No wonder so many people lost their faith in the police.” I can’t tell if this is a question or a statement. But everyone fled the scene in panic, which was clearly shown.
17) All the snipers on the rooftops and all the people in the street did not notice the one cop who shot and ran? The police are trained to seek these assassins. They are specially placed so that the crowd’s activities are visible to them. How then could he shoot the guy and run? The security that the police offered was ineffective.
17) “I thought that Bruce said he was going to rescue the girl. Why did he choose to rescue Dent? Did he not like the woman? Why did he not, at the very least, say to Gordon I will get Dent and you can get the woman? Instead he ran out of the interrogation room poised for battle. This batman is dumb!” The Joker tricked him.
18) I will accept your criticism here. I missed the part where he told batman the location of Dent and made him think that it was the girl’s.
18) “What the hell happened to the lawyer who wanted to reveal batman’s identity?” He was saved by Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon.
19) I did not remember that scene; it must have been quick. I will therefore accept your point as valid and mine as debunked.
19) “How did two face survive when he shot the driver of the car for that mob goon, and yet passed out when he fell a few feet? The car flipped onto its roof.” He put on his seatbelt.
20) So the next time your car flips over, you should merely wear your seat belt. Pray to God that you land with only minor injuries to your skull.
Thanks Whistie, your points were very good so let the debate continue. I think that this move was praised far above its merits.
I meant whistle, not whistie. I didn’t see that there was an “l” not an “i” in your name, so I am sorry for making this error, whistle. I need to use my reading glasses more often.
The man states at one point, “He said he’d make the voice go away and replace them with bright lights, like a christmas tree!”
That is how we know he was
2)Working for Joker at some point
I don’t want to bump Whistle out of the debate but I’ll hit up some of the others later when I have some time.
Yeah, I can see how some can’t overcome certain aspects of a movie like this, but some of us can. I like that the film attempted to cover the whole ‘people wouldn’t do this or that in that situation’ argument by having the Joker’s philosophy be that people don’t think clearly or do the right thing in the midst of chaos.
I totally agree with criticism of the scene where Batman saves Rachel and lands on the car.
Upon a 2nd viewing, I found things about the film I didn’t like as much as I did initially, but it was still (IMO) scores better than Batman Begins and the Schumacher Batman films.
I think far fetched is kind of the name of the game in a film like this.
I mean, really, if you are talking believable, how could one believe Batman’s timing in the Hong Kong kidnapping? That plane flying overhead and Batman sending his little balloon thing up? He didn’t even check his watch or anything to see if the precise moment he needed to launch the balloon had arrived.
But I accept it in terms of thrill-ride action movie realism. They explained how stuff worked out the way it did, whether or not you buy that it could actually happen is a whole different animal.
@tdksucks. Ok, the guy you came to a party to find isnt there. your mortal enemy has incapacitated all your goons and dived out a freakin window, no less. You no have no real reason to stay there and, assuming someone has a phone (not unbeleivable), cops are coming. Why stay at an active crime scene? he had guns, so obviously the guests wouldnt stop him.
At the police station, there had to be someone who was capable of unlocking the door on the other side. otherwise the cop would have been locked in. why no cuffs? well, he just copped a beating from batman. and hes locked in the room, which makes the cuffs redundant. Why the guard? Deaths in custody dont go down well in terms of careers and image for cops. So they would want a guy nearby to mkae sure the joker didn’t suicide or die of the (illegal) beating. How did the joker bust out. Hmmm, one of your colleagues is hostage to a known cop killer. wat, you just let him die? no, you open the door.
And the gasoline. well, actions speak louder than words. Sure, you could just have the joker say somehtin bout burning him. but hes shown on top of the gasoline money heap, which has more of an impact (obviously not shown to the R-rated degree). Why would the joker bother to say something after as well? the mob guys have seen it happen. they all know hes gonna die. why bring it up again?
i’d answer adams criticisms but im to tired now. 2 be continued.
A few people have already pointed this out but some of the best movies out there have a lot of bloopers, editing jumps etc. Time to find some new ammo, I
Whoa even this site’s programming hates what I’m saying and sent my message before I had finished.
A few people have already pointed this out but some of the best movies out there have a lot of bloopers, editing jumps etc. Time to find some new ammo, I think. Next.
I gave up reading so many comments.
Good thing, I saved my time
you should too.