You'll Never See This Pair Together

How awesome would it be to see Superman and Batman in the same movie together?
Well guess what? Unless the franchise is taken out of Chris Nolan’s hands, it will never happen.
You see, that’s because in the “trying to be super-real” Nolan world of Batman, everything has to be believable as being possible within reality.  Now, [...]

How to be Omniscient

I wanted to do a little something different in this article.  Rather than my writing about why something couldn’t have possibly worked in the storyline, or how ridiculous something was in the storyline, I’m swinging the door open for people to submit HOW they believe it could be plausible in the storyline.  I will present [...]

Transporting Harvey

The Harvey Dent transportation scene was ridiculous.  How does an 18-wheeler NOT jack knife or have its tires ripped to shreds while changing lanes, crashing into cars, and hitting walls at high speeds?  How does The Joker manage to fire an RPG at a police vehicle and not manage to demolish it on the first [...]

These Legos Don't Fit Together

I found this commentary on the TDK board.  I can’t seem to find the details of the original post, but it matches my own assessment pretty well, so I share it here as-is and unedited:

If I understand it correctly, Gordon faked his own death (even though it’s edited to make it look like he got [...]

Brokebat Mountain

What was with the lovey-dove eyes Bruce Wayne was giving Harvey Dent when running into him and Rachel Dawes having dinner?  Clearly Bruce had determined where Harvey would be so he could casually bump into them while on a date with the Russian Ballerina, and then coordinated to join their table.  The purpose of that [...]

"I'll Have What He's Having."

In the world of super-realistic Batman, if you get half your face melted off, you are endowed with the following amazing super powers:

A magic eyeball that is impervious to harm, even if every piece of flesh around it is burned beyond recognition.  You will no longer need to fear death because your eyeball will live [...]

The Magic School Bus: Bustin' Through

How in the world can a big yellow school bus crash through a bank and nobody on the street seems to notice?  Further, after the bak robbery, the bus COINCIDENTALLY pulls out of the bank and into the middle of a line of other school buses in broad daylight, with cops right up the street and [...]

About Suspension of Disbelief

There’s a notion when watching/reading fictional movies/stories, and it’s called “suspension of disbelief”.  Most contemporary movies, even if they are based within reality, require the audience to maintain at least SOME suspension of disbelief.  Suspension of disbelief is [from Wikipedia] “the willingness of a person to accept as true the premises of a work of [...]

Maybe He Should Try Forks

The original bat suit can’t protect him against dog bites?  What?  Wait, it can withstand bullets, but it can’t protect against dog bites.  The new one is easier to move in and protects him better from dog bites (maybe, this was never clarified), but no longer even partially protects him from bullets.  He’s one of [...]

Beam Everyone Out of the Hospital, Scotty

Let’s look a little closer at yet another aspect of Nolan’s “ultra-real” superhero movie:
The time period of the hospital evacuation segment is implied as being enough time to evacuate an entire hospital.  The initial moments of The Joker’s threat hitting the airwaves, Gordon is heard shouting to various police crew to evacuate Gotham General Hospital [...]